Roller Derby Photo Contest
Johnny Loxwheels @ Vic/Tas Tournament Long Weekend - June 2013
One of the coolest things about shooting Roller Derby is the monthly competition run by Junior (Robert Scheer), a full time photo journalist in Indianapolis and amazing derby photographer.
There are two sections that you can submit photos in to: Action and Feature. The limit is two per section and you must have taken the photos within the month of the competition.
I try to enter this every month to learn and hopefully improve. It's heaps of fun to see what everyone else enters and to see your work next to theirs. It's also means that you spend a fair bit of time comparing and trying to workout what the judges where looking for.
So June 2013 results are in and I snagged a second place in the feature section with a portrait of Johnny Loxwheels. All the shots I entered for the month where shot at the massive Vic/Tas Tournament long weekend in Hobart. I must give thanks to Carmen Jay for helping me choose my entries for the month. I had 8 bouts to shift through to enter only 4 images. It was a massive help to have another set of eyes look at my narrowed down selection.
See all the results at the flickr site:
More information about the contest can be found at: