Sometimes you just need to go along with the silliness.
Mathew message me at midnight on Friday asking for a quick shoot of his new hair cut. This wouldn't normally be the done thing or something that really inspires a fancy shoot unless you are actually modelling hair. The thing that makes this time special was Mathew being known for his long hair (amongst other things). He teased his friends, family and girlfriend with a photo of his hair in his hands, but no head-shot. The cries from people where loud, and some where fortunate to see it in the flesh, but many where awaiting the social media release to understand what he had done on the spur of the moment.
So we shot some images. We make some that where teasers (see above), because Mathew is like that. These where released and much gnashing of teeth and "tempered" comments on Facebook.
Finally today he released one of the head-shots and the fall out began. He still has a girlfriend (it was touch and go there for a bit), his family hasn't disowned him, his best friend might have though (change is hard for some) and generally the event for a big group of friends marked the end of a long era.
Sometimes you just go along with the silly, because it's fun and his new cut look pretty awesome in my opinion.
Presenting the new refined Mathew Dobson
Hair by: Barber On George